OutBAC 2023

Contest: British Association of Barbershop Singers mixed chorus contest
Date: Sunday 28th May 2023
Venue: Bournemouth International Centre


Saturday8th October 10:00-16:00Alma Church, Cliftonn/a
Saturday29th October Cancelled due to clash with LABBS convention
Saturday26th November10:00-16:00Victoria Methodist ChurchLiz Garnett
Saturday21st January 10:00-16:00St. Michael's Centre, Stoke GiffordLiz Garnett
Saturday18th February10:00-16:00St. Michael's Centre, Stoke GiffordAlan Hughes
Saturday1st April 10:00-16:00St. Michael's Centre, Stoke GiffordNickie James
Saturday22nd April 10:00-16:00Victoria Methodist ChurchNickie James


OutBACers would need to attend three days of coaching unless agreed with the musical director.

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